Our Services

IAWMC provides its clients with a wide variety of consulting services and products. These are based on our extensive and deep financial services knowledge and our standard methodologies and templates which have been refined over the course of many years and many projects. By utilising these tools we are often able to fast-track projects as we can produce project documentation and vendor and service provider short-lists very quickly and much more quickly than our clients would be able to do themselves.

In the past, several of our clients have taken advantage of our services in order to conduct projects on a no names basis, this is often because they want to evaluate their options but without disclosing their identity until they are better informed about the options available. Due to our close relationships with the vendor and service provider community we are able to glean the required information and feed this back to our client on a confidential basis until they are ready to move to the next stage by disclosing their corporate identity.

We provide the following services to our clients, please click on the links below to find out more about the service that you are interested in:

Please do get in touch to discuss how we can help you to fast-track and de-risk your project.

18 Loxford Way
United Kingdom

Contact Us

Steve Dyson
+44 (0) 7791 664771