CRM & Client Communications
Data Management
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Global and Fund Custody Selection
Interim Management & Recruitment
Market Entry (Vendors & Service Providers)
Market Entry (Wealth & Asset Managers)
Operating Model Design
Programme & Project Management
System Selection
Data Management
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Global and Fund Custody Selection
Interim Management & Recruitment
Market Entry (Vendors & Service Providers)
Market Entry (Wealth & Asset Managers)
Operating Model Design
Programme & Project Management
System Selection
Market Entry Strategy (Vendors & Service Providers)
We have advised several vendors and service providers on how they might expand their presence either into the UK market or from the institutional sector into Wealth Management. We have assisted our clients in many ways:
- Conducting a functional gap analysis e.g. the functionality for UK tax wrappers such as SiPPs and ISAs is often a gap
- Helping them to understand the Wealth Management landscape
- Assisting them in their preparations for sales meetings with prospective clients
- Helping them to understand and respond to RFIs and RFPs
- Assisting them with their sales and marketing strategy and market intelligence
- Co-hosting and speaking at their conferences and helping them to get the right decision makers to their events
Please do get in touch with us to discuss how we can assist you with your market entry strategy.
Case Study – Tier 1 Global Software Provider
Our consultant worked with this global software vendor who wanted to understand the UK and other geographic markets in more detail and receive an up to date competitive landscape perspective for their Wealth Station Global solution.

The following items were delivered to the client:
- The size & segmentation of the UK Wealth Management market
- A high level overview of competitors offering Wealth Management front end solutions (from CRM to Portfolio Management) in the UK market (who they are and their relative strengths and weaknesses)
- A potential target list of Wealth Managers, Private Banks, IFAs, etc. by tier
- High level localised requirements – detailed of what the minimum requirements would be for the UK market, and then what would be added value services that would deliver competitive advantage
Case Study – Tier 1 Software Vendor
This software provider wanted to expand their offering into the Wealth Management sector and engaged us to help them formulate a market entry plan. We worked with their sales team to deliver the plan, this entailed identifying the size of the UK market and advising on gaps within the product that would need to be filled before they could offer their system to Wealth Managers. Two options were considered for filling the gaps: enhancing their existing systems; or partnering with another systems vendor.
We devised and delivered a Wealth Management training programme for the sales and product teams in order for them to understand the differences and nuances involved in this sector as they were all from an Institutional Asset Management background and consequently had little Wealth Management knowledge.
In addition, we coached members of the sales team prior to presentations to Wealth Managers and assisted them in answering technical questions posed in RFPs. Steve Dyson facilitated a thought leadership event for the vendor and was a key note speaker.
Contact Us
Steve Dyson
+44 (0) 7791 664771